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Steel price in China market drop a lot this month, including steel coils,steel pipes

Bulletin of the 6th Plenary Session of 19th Central Committee of Communist Party of China

The 6th Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of Communist Party of China was held during 8-11 November 2021. The Session highlighted that: a) Balance, coordination and sustainability in Chinese economy has enhanced remarkably since 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China; b) Chinese economic power, technological power and comprehensive strength have stepped up to new stage; c) Chinese economy has walked into a journey of higher-quality, higher-efficiency, more-fairness, more sustainability and more safety; d) China has to enter into new development state, with following up new concept, establishing new landscape, pushing high-quality development, introducing all-round reform and opening-up, promoting common wealth, pushing technological independence and leading democracy; e) China will insist into ruling by law, keeping core value system of socialism, developing guaranting and improving livelihood, co-exiting with nature; f) China will arrange development and safety at the same time, accelerate national defense and military modernization, coordinate the introduction of people’s wealth, national prosperity and beautiful country.

The Session decided that the 20th Central Committee of Communist Party of China will be held in second half year of 2022 in Beijing.

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